Spring is here and Easter is just around the corner! It's a time full of renewal, rebirth and rejuvenation. It's also time for brightening up your home and yard with flowers, decorations and goodies. However, there are some things that can be harmful/toxic to your fur-baby that you should be mindful of this season.
1. Easter lilies (or any lilies) are highly toxic. All parts of the plant are toxic including the pollen, which means that if your kitty brushes against it and then cleans themselves they could be in immediate danger! The first signs of poisoning are:
- vomiting
- lethargy
- loss of appetite
- tremors
- seizures
2. Easter grass looks pretty in baskets, vases and displays but can also be deadly for our little friends. When ingested, Easter grass (or any kind of string or ribbon small enough) can quickly become what is called a linear foreign body. These obstructions can gather and begin to shred the intestinal tract and other delicate tissues. It is VERY important that if you see a string, ribbon, piece of Easter grass, etc. hanging out of your pets mouth or anus NOT to pull on it, but to take them to your vet! These obstructions can cause alot of damage and can quickly become life- threatening. If you think your pet has eaten string or string-like objects and they are:
- Lethargic
- Straining to defecate
- Vomiting
- Growling at their stomach
- Showing pain in their stomach region
Then call your vet!
3. Candy! We all know that chocolate is poisonous to our pets, but did you know that candies with artificial sweeteners such as xylitol are poisonous, too? Xylitol can be found in candies, gum, lollipops, syrups and even in baked goods. Ingesting xylitol can result in acute liver necrosis and liver failure. Signs to watch out for are:
- Weakness
- Lethargy
- Collapse
- Vomiting
- Tremoring
- Seizures
- Jaundice
- Malaise
- Black-tarry stool
- Coma
- Death

We hope that you have a wonderful Spring and Easter and remember that animals are very curious and love to feel like they're a part of the fun.