Tuesday, December 20, 2011

A Gift of Love

As the holidays draw near and our hearts grow 3 sizes larger, we find ourselves giving to our fellow man. Giving donations of money, toys, and food to various humanitarian charities, it's easy to forget our dearest friends with 4 legs.
There are many animal rescues and organizations that are in need of money, gifts, supplies, and even our homes throughout the year, but they especially need the added help during the holidays.

So how can you help? Here is a list of local organizations and charities that could use a little holiday help:

  1. CHAKO - Chako is a much deserving organization which rescues pit bulls and educates the community and owners on how to be responsible pit bull owners. While Chako can always use volunteers, they are definitely in need of fosters this season. You can visit them at: http://www.chako.org for more information.
  2. Fluff Buddies - These guys hold a special place in my heart. They are very passionate when it comes to cats, rescuing and adopting out as many as they can. Many of the cats that they rescue are nursed back to health with all of the love a person could give. You can donate money, supplies, or volunteer your time with them by visiting them at: http://www.fluffbuddies.org/index.html . You can also find them at the Fair Oaks Petco on Saturdays.
  3. Northern California Herpetological Society - It's a little bit easier to remember the dog and cat rescues, but have you thought about the herpetological societies? This organization is another rescue that is near and dear to my heart, having helped me with my own iguana in my time of need. They provide education, they support conservation efforts in California, and they provide rehabilitation and rescue for both native and exotic reptiles. You can find out more information about donating your time or money at: http://reptiles-northern-ca.com/herpetology/
  4. City of Sacramento Animal Care Services - Shelters are always overwhelmed and under funded, especially during the holiday season (and in this economy!) By donating time, money, or supplies you can save a life this season. You can find more information here on their website: http://www.cityofsacramento.org/generalservices/animal-care/ . They also have a wishlist here: http://www.cityofsacramento.org/generalservices/animal-care/documents/Wish_List.pdf
So while a few cans of food can help keep your fellow man from starving, and a toy can brighten the holidays for a child; a donation of time, money, and supplies can save the lives of many animals who are often forgotten.
Also, while it isn't recommended that you get a pet as a present for Christmas -- if you do, please give your warm and loving home to a much deserved rescue. They're not brand new, but the undying love and gratitude that you will get from them will keep your heart full and happy for many years to come.

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