Tuesday, May 14, 2013

The Dangers of BSL: Incorrect Use of the Name "pit bull"

BSL or Breed Specific Legislation has many dangers, some quite obvious and some hidden. The biggest danger currently is in the vague use of "pit bull" and what people's perception of what a pit bull is.

There is only one true pit bull and that is the American Pit Bull or Pit Bull for short. However, it is common practice to use "pit bull" when talking about other dog breeds that have similar physical characteristics. The danger in this is due to the over-generalized use of the name "pit bull" it has lumped over 20 different breeds into one category, skewing the statistics and unfairly targeting dogs and dog guardians.

To prove this point, understand-a-bull released a test to see if you could pick the one Pit Bull out the 25 pictures. I clicked on this test thinking that I could easily spot the true Pit Bull and found it much more difficult than I ever thought it would be. Katie then tried and admits that it was a lot harder than she thought it would be, "I thought it would be a piece of cake. I thought 'I've got this!' and I'm a little embarrassed to admit I was wrong."

>>>> you can try your hand at identifying the Pit Bull here <<<<

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