What do you know about pit bulls? How much of what you know is
from personal experience, being a guardian of a pit bull or from the media?
As we go through
our daily lives, we are constantly receiving messages from the media, mainly
from the news and Facebook. With the news networks wanting high ratings,
reporters are always searching for stories containing the attention-grabbing
"buzz words", "pit bull" being one of the highest.
According to ASPCA's website:
"Animal control
officers across the country have told the ASPCA that when they alert the media
to a dog attack, news outlets respond that they have no interest in reporting
on the incident unless it involved a pit bull. A quantitative study by the
National Canine Research Council of dog-bite reportage in a four-day period
proves that anti-pit bull bias in the media is more than just a theory—it’s a

In April of 2012 in South Carolina a Golden Retriever-Lab mix named
Lucky brutally killed and dismembered a 2-month-old baby that was in an infant
swing while the father was sleeping. Lucky mauled baby Aiden McGrew and then
severed both of his legs. This story barely made it into the news, calling the
dog a “pooch” while “pit bull” attacks make national headlines regardless of
the severity, calling them “vicious,” “dangerous” and “killers.”
Meanwhile, when there are no “pit bull” attacks to report, we see news
reporters revisiting past stories and rehashing them, often asking their
viewers questions slanted in a way that no matter how you answer, the outcome
will always be negative.
ASPCA.ORG. (2013). Pit Bull Bias in the Media.
Retrieved from ASPCA.ORG:
Edelman, A. (2013, January 10). Family dog attacks
child of South Carolina parents whose infant son was killed by another pooch
last year. Retrieved from NY Daily News:
Viegas, J. (2012, May 15). Are Pit Bulls
Inherently Dangerous? Retrieved from Discovery News: http://news.discovery.com/animals/zoo-animals/pit-bulls-dangerous-120515.htm
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