Friday, April 5, 2013

Spring Cleaning!

Spring cleaning? Yay! Why do we love Spring cleaning, you ask? Because we know a few tips to make it just a little less hectic and alot more enjoyable. So stop shaking in your boots and hiding behind your dusty curtains and read these tips!

  1. Purge! And I cannot say this enough! Purge, purge, purge those closets! A truly clean home starts with organized closets. They clean up your space, they keep the clutter away and they clean up your mind. The best way to do this is to pull everything out of your closet and separate your things into 3 bins: keep, donate and trash. If you have a place for it, you use it and it's in good condition? Keep it! If it's too big, too small and you don't (or shouldn't) use it? Donate it! If it's full of holes and is damaged or if it just reminds you of some bad days? Trash it! Obviously there are exceptions. You don't want to throw away family heirlooms or precious memories! Easey peasey, right?
  2. Curtains dusty? Curtains don't get dirty very often and you only want to wash them when they're pretty bad. Instead of spending all of your time using the upholstery vacuum attachment put them in the dryer with a Bounce sheet! It will dust and freshen at the same time while you can spend your time doing something else. Just check to make sure that they can go in the dryer safely.
  3. Stuck-on grease and dirt in the microwave? Take a lemon, cut it in half, squeeze the juice into a bowl of water and then place the lemon halves in the bowl. Microwave the bowl for 5 minutes and watch as you easily wipe away what you couldn't before.
  4. Stubborn toilet bowl stains? Don't fret! Just drop 2 antacids in your toilet bowl for 20 minutes and walk away. This is great for stubborn toilet stains and it gives you the time to work on something else!
  5. Lime build-up on your sink faucet? Soak a rag with vinegar, wrap it around the area and fasten with a clip. Leave it on for 1 hour, take it off and dry the faucet!
Happy Spring cleaning and stay tuned for more tips and hints!

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